Got the Buying on my Mind

After seeing What Would Jesus Buy I have been thinking a lot about what I buy, where and how it was made, and whether or not I need (or even want, as in it will make my life more fulfilling or fun) it.
The other day, after reading the “Consuming Responsible” section of Worldchanging; a User’s Guide for the 21st Century (the book by my pals/bro at, I headed over to Bed, Bath and Beyond (sounds like Buzz Lightyear meats Martha Stuiter) to buy linen for my new bed. Low and behold I find Bamboo sheets, which according to “Consuming Responsible,” is “[0]ne of the most renewable resources for fiber…” It was a pleasant surprise to find that the store I choose for convince also gave me an environmentally healthy choice.
This morning I was perusing the May 2007 version of Paper Magazine and I cam across Etsy Does It, profiling, basically an Ebay for handmade goods. Not only is this a great resource for people who are trying to buy local, sweat shop free items, but there are some really creative interactive features to this website. If you are a web designer I strongly recommend you take a stroll through this site. One of my favorite is picks are Colors (it is just beautiful) and Geolocator (which could allow you to be geographically conscious of your purchases on the site.)
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