Who Da' Nerd; Cell Phones and Laser Tag

Labels: Games, Mobile Technology
I am really interested in using different forms of cultural action to help build better communities. Communities are a vital social model, allowing us to tackle problems beyond the ability of individuals with the focus of a defined (usually relatively small) group of people. How do the arts and cultural work in general help communities grow more sustainable futures? If you have a cool website or project or your own ideas on these subjects please let me know.
Labels: Games, Mobile Technology
Labels: Street Art, Wooster Collective
Labels: Community Building, New York TImes, Sustainability
I just started a new job and it has been keeping me pretty busy. As such, I have not been able to post some of the interesting things I've found lately. So, here is a list of some interesting articles I've run across.
Labels: apophenia, Islam, Mobile Technology, Worldchanging
Labels: Sustainability, Worldchanging
The Revolution Will Not Be Designed is interesting (and blissfully short) reminder that when dealing with human problems we must deal with human interactions (including political, social, and cultural.)
Labels: Design
Labels: Inhabitat, Scribemedia, Video
Labels: Education, Laura, Youth Activism
Labels: Sustainability, Worldchanging
Labels: Entrepreneurial, Eyeteeth
Labels: apophenia, social networking, Youth
Labels: Alternative Media, Eyeteeth, Radio
Labels: Radio, Visionary Activism